Meet our employees

Joined the company in 2017

Production Department


I arrived at an exciting job
while following my career path

Please tell us about your job.

Always have a multifaceted perspective to ensure success

As a site manager in the Production Department, my primary duty is to manage the construction of the project sites. I am presently in charge of an office building in Hatchobori, and besides putting together construction schedules, managing budgets, and ordering construction materials and equipment, I am also responsible for safety patrols of the project site and holding regular meetings with the client. Although primarily focusing on interior design and construction, Benefit Line also undertakes a wide range of projects, including major renovations of exterior walls, which requires a wide range of knowledge and experience that goes beyond interior design and construction. After working here for five years, I feel that I have developed the ability to see things from multiple perspectives as a result of engaging in a wide variety of projects. What fascinates me about this job is that we work together as a team to give form to ideas, and when it is completed, there is no greater sense of fulfillment. After becoming chief, I started to be entrusted with managing the overall budget and schedule for construction, and I get an adrenaline-pumping sense of accomplishment when I am able to follow up with my team members and perform well within the limited budget and construction period.

What is something key to doing your job well?

Facilitate communication with a sharing app

Collaboration within the team is indispensable in order to move a mission forward. On top of that, I am also trying to facilitate communication on the project site. The larger the project, the more people will be involved, so sharing information is essential to prevent miscommunication. Specifically, I have been using an information-sharing app to make the workflow and progress of each person in charge open to the team members. This way, everyone can know who is in what situation and what others need. By sharing information, we can feel secure that there is a system in place to follow up on each other's work, so each of us can rest when we need to and respond to unforeseen circumstances. When I oversaw a project in Kobe, I was temporarily transferred there for three months on a short-term business trip, and my experience was that the team became more cohesive as we strengthened communication, allowing me to navigate through the project with my colleagues in a place I was not accustomed to. That's how important communication is in this line of work.

Why did you decide to join Benefit Line?

I could develop my career through dedication and hard work

Previously, I worked for an interior construction company, where I was in charge of both design and production. I worked there for about nine years, but only in interior design for a specific industry, so I decided to change jobs because I wanted to test my abilities in a broader range of industries. I chose to work for Benefit Line out of several other companies because I felt that my personal abilities and contribution to the company would lead to salary increases and promotions and that I would be able to advance in my career if I worked hard. Nevertheless, the company does not promote cutthroat competition for results, and I think it is a very comfortable place to work. Although I mainly worked on construction for a certain type of industry in my previous job, I was entrusted to lead various types of properties, such as restaurants, shops, hotels, and offices, since I joined Benefit Line. Since the nature of construction work changes depending on the type and scale of the job, I sometimes feel a sense of urgency to learn new knowledge quickly and give precise instructions on-site, but I find my work stimulating and enjoyable.

What makes Benefit Line so attractive?

Enjoying drinks with my coworkers after work with an on-site beer server!

Perhaps the positive mood in the company has something to do with the fact that many of the employees joined the company as mid-career recruits, which allows us to establish relationships where information can be shared casually. There are no seniority-based hierarchical relationships, and a reasonable sense of distance allows members to develop mature relationships with each other. In such an open workplace with flat hierarchical relationships, it is easy to talk and discuss with anyone. When I interact with my team members, I always try to treat them as equals without imposing my own values. In fact, we have a floor in our office that has a beer server, and sometimes I have a drink with my coworkers after work. It is also worth noting that, to continue working in this job, we need to be ready to switch our mindset when necessary. Since our job is to create something, we often encounter problems and unexpected issues. How can we respond flexibly during these times? Sometimes switching is more important than thinking too much. From such a perspective, this company is unique in that each employee is committed to managing his or her own schedule so that they can take time off when they need to.

What is your vision for the future?

I want to expand my legal knowledge of construction

Being a construction manager working on large-scale construction sites, my goal for the future is to expand my legal knowledge of construction so that I can address legal flaws to our clients and designers. I believe that construction management is an occupation that demands the ability to manage all aspects of a construction project within the given period and set budget while ensuring safety. To eventually become a leader of an entire project, it is necessary to gain experience by working on a variety of projects. I also want to ensure a good work-life balance and have a fulfilling personal life. To achieve this, I believe that it is important to improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary work. I believe there is still a lot that I can do.